Obesity, why? Isn’t that we are obese just because food is everywhere and we lack of exercise: excessive caloric intake, low caloric expenses that is the simple equation – right?

Of course as usual the answer is a lot more complicated.
If it was that simple how can we explain the epidemic of obesity among 6 months old babies?
I seldom saw 6 months old babies sweating on the treadmill at the fitness club or indulging at the fast food!
They do not choose their food, they do not control the quantity (parents do) and they cannot exercise!

So what happens to our babies?
What is wrong?
Of course parents do their best for their kids
and follow religiously the advises of their pediatrician
Maybe they do not get the right information?
We need to investigate to find who is responsible for the crime.
We asked great inspectors to investigate

First breast-fed babies are a lot less prone to obesity
than their counterpart formula-fed
So the culprit should be found in the formula
Let us have a closer look

Dr. Lustig said "Tragically, many infant formulas are more than 50 percent sugar -- 43 percent being corn syrup solids. You might as well be giving your baby a bottle of Coke or Pepsi."
……Or even a beer as fructose is metabolized in the body like ethanol – alcohol –
Will you give a beer to your baby?
Of course not!

((U) Pareve*)
43.2% Corn syrup solids,
14.6% soy protein isolate,
11.5% oleic safflower oil,
10.3% sugar (sucrose),
8.4% soy oil,
8.1% coconut oil

We know already this criminal - right – HFCS - High Fructose Corn Syrup (cf. KILLING ME SWEETLY - I) - what is amazing is that he is able to hide in Babies formula
Why the FDA approved it?
Amazingly for NO REASON, or yes only one: for the FDA fructose is a natural product so it does not harm – How stupid is that?
Tobacco is actually a plant, very natural indeed - It does not arm?
HFCS is not used because of any health benefits, but because it is sweeter and cheaper to produce than cane sugar. As you know already HFCS is anything but healthy.

The food and beverage industry spend billion of dollars in marketing – what a great plan to already educate the taste of the future customers – let them be addicted to our “Frankenstein food”
So when they will be toddlers or teens they will crave for our crap!
One of the most valuable principles in infant and child nutrition is the idea of shaping young tastes
What you feed your baby will effects his eating habits – and his health – for the rest of his life.

Please parents feed your kids only the food that nature grows – NO PROCESSED FOOD –
Give them only fruits, vegetables whole grain and dairy products. In this way, the child’ s developing taste buds are programmed to recognize the normal tastes of healthy foods.
The HFCS in infant formulas can only increase the intensity of the sweet tooth that babies are already born with.
Lactose is the sugar that mother nature put in milk, and nature makes few nutritional mistakes

HFCS - has no place in infant nutrition.
- it is a POISON

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